Hi everyone,
I came across this article today and thought I would share it with everyone in this group:
“MOST people who illegally download movies, music and TV shows would pay for them if there was a cheap and legal service as convenient as file-sharing tools like BitTorrent.
That's the finding of the most comprehensive look yet at people who illegally download TV shows, movies and music in Australia, conducted by news.com.au and market research firm CoreData.
More respondents said they turned to illegal downloads because they were convenient than because they were free, when it came to all three types of media covered by the survey — TV shows, movies and music.
THE most popular prices for legal downloads chosen by respondents were $1 per TV show, $2 per movie and 50c per music track.
People aren't just looking for a free ride. They're living in the modern world and expecting business models to keep up with them," he said.”
We welcome the studio's to discuss this further and hope to proactively work together to turn people's desires into a fully functioning viable solution for all parties involved.
The Hyper MP Development Team.
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Hyper MP – Monetize and Market your video content via P2P and BitTorrent today.